Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Baby Bunny

Okay, so this morning, I was lying in bed, when Mylie ran up to my room and was screaming her head off. Mylie wanted me to come downstairs, so I did, and mom told me to go outside and look behind the rollerblades. I did and there was a baby bunny!!! There was a large pool of blood behind it and it was shaking. I yelled for someone to go get me some gloves and a cardboard box, and Sophie did. I picked up the bunny and put it in the cardboard box with some towels and some clovers. My mom got me some A&D ointment and some cotton balls to put on it's wounds. After I did that, we put the cardboard box in the garage, kicked the cats out, and closed the garage door. I kept checking on it repeatedly and wanted to move it to my room. Finally, we moved the open cardboard box to the woods just in case he was feeling better and wanted to leave.
But then we decided that it wasn't safe in our woods because Nala or Captain Jack could find him and finish it off. So Mylie and I walked down to Grandma's and set him down behind the shed. He hopped a couple feet and then stopped. Then Mylie and I prayed and thanked God for helping us heal this wonderful creature. We opened our eys and the bunny perked up his ears and disappeared into the bushes.
Stories like this always make me think how wonderful God is to have created these creatures out of thin air and how he will always care for them. Thanks again God!!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

No More Summer.

I can't believe that summer's almost over and that we are starting school in a week!! I am so nervous because I am starting a new school and there will be lots of people that I won't know!! I probably wouldn't even know where my classes were if it weren't for orientation, which, by the way, is today. I know it's just orientation, but still, I'm nervous!! Lot's of people that I know say that sixth grade is really fun. I believe them, but still, I'm really scared. I have been praying that sixth grade won't be too scary. I think God will answer my prayers. I am going to really miss summer.