Thursday, October 9, 2008

5th Grade Camp

5th grade camp was so fun!! I just got back yesterday, and already I miss it!! The counselors were so funny and sweet. There was Ezra, Kelsy, Kate, Josh, Carla, and Justin. Some of the High School counselors were John, Lucky, Drew, Stacy, Morgan, Carra, and a lot others. John looked exactly like Nick Jonas, and a lot of girls were getting his autograph. I was one of them. The autograph is hanging on my bulletin board right now!! Anyway, I really miss camp. These are some of my favorite things that we did there.

  1. Rock Wall (i reached the top!!)
  2. Canoeing
  3. Skits
  4. Pow Wows
  5. Archery
  6. The Bus Ride

I really miss 5th grade camp. When I get old enough, I might apply for a job there!! (MIGHT) I MISS 5th GRADE CAMP!!!


Heidi Lee said...

I loved hearing about your time at camp Crisilee. I am so happy it was such a great experience for you.
So, you wish you were back there huh?
Well, I am glad you are HOME. I MISSED YOU BAD!!!

mrc-w said...

You would be a great camp counselor! I was a counselor for a couple years and it is a LOT of fun. I'm glad you had such a great time at camp and kudos for getting all the way to the top of the rock wall!

kool kenna said...

sounds like fun! i miss 8th grade camp