Thursday, December 15, 2011


Ok. It's 6:34 in the morning and I have to go to school in 26 minutes. What to do in that time? Blog, of course.
I really can't stand school. You wake up at a ridiculous time in the morning, go to school for 7 hours every day to learn stuff you'll only forget during summer break. I wish school didn't even exsist. I mean, the ice age people didn't have school, and they survived.
And then when you're in middle school, they ask you what you want to be when you grow up! How in the world are you supposed to know that at 14? What if you make the wrong desicion? It's just confusing.
Anyway, school's even worse 2 days before Christmas break! It's Thursday! We are gonna be wild and restless. Plus, I have an Algebra quiz on Friday. Nobody is gonna be able concentrate in that room. I'm ready for Christmas. Very, very ready.
Peace, Love, and Purple!

1 comment:

Heidi Lee said...

Hey! Good thing! Yo had strep so you missed your test!

Now you get to wait alllll break and take it when you go back.....