Tuesday, December 20, 2011


Well it's late. We know that much. Sophie is in my room and we are bored. So we're gonna do a joint post. I'm gonna talk for a while, then she is. Just to let you know.

Okay, so this is Crisilee......not a lot to say, just that I'm SUPER SUPER EXCITED FOR THE LODGE!!!!! It's gonnna be awesomee.

Sophie here!! Oh and yes, I'm excited for Christmas too!! Yet..... I'm not completely sure what I want!

Crisilee is back. Sophie just left. Guess togetherness isn't workin out for her. Maybe this is our last joint post. I'll bet on it. Ha..anyway, I'm tired, so I'm probably gonna sleep. Merry Christmas!


Heidi Lee said...

I'm sorry, I had no idea you were posting again or I would have been checking and commenting!

I love break because there is so much "togetherness" and I love that you two stayed up late in your room! Fun!

Karaeleanor said...

The Lodge <3 :))
